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Eastern Workforce Development Area (1Q 2017)
All Industry
Estimated employment250
Mean wage$120,895
Entry wage$69,343
10th percentile wage$38,865
50th percentile wage$140,697
90th percentile wage$162,320
Top Employing Industries
 IndustryEmployment / Percent
Education and Health Services250100.0%
Top Paying Industries
 IndustryEmployment / Median Wage
Education and Health Services250140,697
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary (25-1071)
Teach courses in health specialties, such as veterinary medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, therapy, laboratory technology, and public health. Exclude "Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary" (25-1072) and "Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary" (25-1042) who teach medical science.
Median Wage History
Compared to
Occupational Group
Current$140696.97 $62956.73  $77740.24
2016$137404.53+2.4%$61483.48 +2.4%$75921.05
2015$134770.58+2.0%$60304.89 +2.0%$74465.69
2014$132246.37+1.9%$59175.40 +1.9%$73070.97
2013$129722.17+1.9%$58045.91 +1.9%$71676.26
2012$127197.96+2.0%$56916.42 +2.0%$70281.54
2011$125222.50+1.6%$56032.47 +1.6%$69190.03
2010$123027.54+1.8%$55050.31 +1.8%$67977.23
2009$121710.56+1.1%$54461.01 +1.1%$67249.55
2008$118088.88+3.1%$52840.44 +3.1%$65248.44
Compared to
All Occupations
Current$140696.97 $45076.95  $95620.02
2016$137404.53+2.4%$43636.46 +3.3%$93768.07
2015$134770.58+2.0%$42722.97 +2.1%$92047.61
2014$132246.37+1.9%$41809.49 +2.2%$90436.89
2013$129722.17+1.9%$40966.27 +2.1%$88755.90
2012$127197.96+2.0%$40263.59 +1.7%$86934.37
2011$125222.50+1.6%$39631.18 +1.6%$85591.32
2010$123027.54+1.8%$38963.63 +1.7%$84063.91
2009$121710.56+1.1%$38436.62 +1.4%$83273.94
2008$118088.88+3.1%$37452.87 +2.6%$80636.01
Note: The mid-wage is the median wage. The average wage is the mean wage. The entry-level wage is equal to the average of the lower third of reported wages for the occupation. The wage range consists of the 10th and 90th percentiles; 80% of workers earn between this wage range, 10% earn less while 10% earn more.
Reference Date: 1st Quarter 2017
Top Areas For This Occupation
Best Pay
Median Wage / Employment
South Central$169,088 
North Central$148,057640
Highest Employment
Median Wage / Employment
North Central$148,057640
South Central$169,088 
Wages in other areas
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